Metcalf grew up in Michigan and California and came to Seattle when he was 15. While studying architecture at the University of Washington, he became a regular at campus jam sessions and often hosted the local jazz scene at his University District apartment. He played with Gerald Brashear at the Madison Y and snagged a job with pianist Paul Neves at the Black Elks club, in 1951. Metcalf’s music career was quiet in the ’50s, but in 1960, he began playing in the house trio at a posh new Pioneer Square jazz club, the Penthouse, backing up Ernestine Anderson, Harold Land, Dexter Gordon and others. In 1962, Anita O’Day hired the trio off the bandstand. In the-’60s he and his wife, Joni Swartz, later known as the popular lounge singer/pianist Joni Metcalf, bought a 12-room house in Madrona and Metcalf’s home once again became a sort of headquarters for the local jazz scene. In 1966, Metcalf and tuba player Lowell Richards formalized this arrangement by starting the Seattle Jazz Society. In 1972, Metcalf moved to San Franciso and on to New York, where, in 1980, he was hired by Dexter Gordon. Back in Seattle in 1982, Metcalf formed an octet that featured some of best musicians in town, but in the mid-90s he returned to San Francisco, where he retired in 2011.
Jackson Street After Hours (print). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck_Metcalf