Tenor saxophone.
Raised in Delaware and musically trained in the Navy, Greenwell was one of the most distinctive stylists to come out of Seattle. While stationed in the Navy in New York in 1946, he sat in with Charlie Parker at the Spotlite Club on 52nd Street, and shortly thereafter came to Seattle, where he played at the Trianon Ballroom with Curt Sykes and jammed on Jackson Street, sometimes with Ray Charles at the Rocking Chair. Greenwell was snatched up in 1952 by band leader Jimmy Zito and spent time in Los Angeles, where he jammed with Wardell Gray on Central Avenue, then toured with Alvino Rey and Buddy Morrow. Greenwell was in and out of Seattle and Tacoma, playing locally and also for a spell with Woody Herman. In 1980, he returned to Seattle for good.
Jackson Street After Hours (print). https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19941214&slug=1947079